The James A. Miller, M.D., Outpatient of Positive Imagery Foundation, Inc., is currently offering the following services:
- Individual, Group, and Family Counseling for people experiencing drug related problems. The Foundation specializes in providing professional drug counseling and accurate drug information.
- Early Education/Intervention Services primarily for people below the age of twenty-one years of age who are "at risk" of experiencing drug related problems. Clients must meet either or both of the following characteristics:
- Drug usage in the experimental or light stage
- Member of drug using siblings peer, or family group
- Early Education/(Intervention Services include: Counseling (individual, group, and family); knowledge and skill-enhancing activities; structured groups focusing on family dynamics, problems solving, self-esteem, etc.; representation in schools, agencies and to family groups.
- HIV/AIDS, confidential individual, group and family counseling.
- Outreach Program, will link services to the critical population e.g., criminal justice, homeless, IV drug users, etc., providing those service in which otherwise this population would not access.
James A Miller, M.D., Outpatient of Positive Imagery Foundation, Inc., charges client treatment fees according to agency and /or ability to pay.
Veteran Service Outreach Program-VSOP
The Veterans Service Outreach Program-VSOP was founded from a direct need and realization that as a community and leader we MUST take better care of our Veterans. We must make certain that the veteran, and their family members especially those who serve in battle that have extraordinary emotional, psychological, social and medical concerns, which their needs are being taken care of. The Veterans Administration along with VSOP and our community can play as a critical failsafe that helps assist in keeping these veterans from falling through the cracks of our society.
Gateway Developers Educational Institute
Continuation Educational Units-CEU’s
Gateway Developers Education Online Continuing Education is an extension of services of Positive Imagery Foundation that provides professional educational services for the clinician online. The services will be for mental health professionals in acquiring mandated CEU hours required by the Board Of Behavioral Science. You can view our current website that’s under construction by accessing this link.
National African American Drug Policy Coalition-GLA
The National African American Drug Policy Coalition Greater Los Angeles Chapter is an extension of the NAADPC National Headquarters that forms a unique collaborative initiative that address the problem of drug abuse and health care disparity in the African American community with each member organization contributing distinct intellectual content, practices and procedures for eradicating the deleterious societal effects of drug abuse which we feel is a public health crisis. Further, coalition members, by and through their respective missions, share a common desire for the implementation of policies and practices related to drug abuse and our Public Health. The NAADPC – Greater Los Angeles Chapter would appreciate inquiries on how individuals can support the work of the Chapter and would welcome any volunteers who wish to join in this most valuable endeavor to improve the lives of those most vulnerable in our community.
All services are provided by appointment or during established drop-in times.
5906 7TH Avenue-Los Angeles, CA 90043
Call (323) 294-9300 Fax (323) 294-9360
5906 7th Avenue * Los Angeles, CA. 90043